Saturday, June 19, 2010

No Tomorrow

My Last pic that I took with my Dad. I miss you Daddy!

The Father's Day cards, commercials and other various reminders have been going on for a while now. Just last night, as I walked by the cards, my heart ached as I wanted one more chance to say Happy Father's Day Daddy.

I need to write more about him, as he was the original Joy Spreader. Always giving to others, $20, here - candy for bank tellers there, helping out the guy that had a truck load of watermelons by purchasing them all and GIVING them away. Doing all the things I dream of doing. Making a difference the way I dream of making.

Until last year with Megan, I can not remember writing any poetry of any kind. But these words flooded my heart this past week and it's with tears of joy and sorrow, I'm sharing them with you here.

No Tomorrow

The times of love, smiles and hugs
The times of grief and sorrow
All have a special place deep within my heart
For with him, there is no tomorrow

I sit and think and smile inside
I wonder what you would say and do
My heart longs to see, to touch and hear you,
To tell you, once more….I love you

Father’s Day is bitter sweet
As you are finally free of pain
My heart and soul realize the miles
As my loss is heavens gain

I love you Dad, I miss you deeply
Your laughter, your love, your smile
This time of separation, free from your hugs
Will make the wait…. all worth the while.

Me and My Daddy

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