Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

This post is part of "Thankful Thursday" Go to JonnandKate's Blog. To get your own button and start your Thankful Thursday post today.

I've come across a blog that is such an encouragement to me. His name is Jonathan Jay. He is 15 years old and he is blogging about his journey while fighting cancer. "A story of landmarks, of struggles and of hope. Today I am 15 years old and even more so I am a survivor." (Let me stop right here and say click on his name, check out his amazing story and then leave him a comment letting him know you are thinking of him.)

One of the things he blogs about is "Thankful Thursdays". I've read his amazing story and think wow - I have so much to be thankful for. I'm so glad that I came across it and now I will be posting a thankfulness post every Thursday. I always think of my blessing more than just at Thanksgiving, but will try and focus on them each week.

Like most people, I will start out with the obvious. But in the next few week I think you'll be intrigued by the things I'm thankful for. (Well, I at least hope so.)

On this Thankful Thursday - I'm thankful for:

  • My Husband - We've been married for 19 1/2 years. He is a great guy, father and friend. He doesn't mind my "spur of the moment" ideas like "let's drive to the beach for a day" or "let's hang out at the book store for an afternoon". He usually does the dishes when my son doesn't do them and doesn't mind my facebook/twitter addiction. Or my coffee addiction for that matter. I'm sure I get on his nerves sometimes, but that is what keeps us on our toes.

  • My Children - I have 2 wonderful children. 18 yr old son and 14 yr old daughter. They are givers (wonder where they got that from)? My daughter more so than my son, but still a good thing. They don't give me any trouble and usually when I ask for something to be done, I know it will get done. I'm proud to be their mom and they make that very easy.

  • Place to live - It is not my dream home - but I have a home and it keeps me warm, cool, dry and safe. I may not have the room that I want or that office to keep me organized, but I have a lot more than many people in America have and for that, I'm truly thankful. If you don't believe me - check out this post from Invisible People.

  • No significant health issues - My son does have Tourette Syndrome and my daughter struggles with IBS daily - but these are nothing compared to many things children their age are going through. They can work around these and still be great people. They can encourage others that are struggling and make a difference in ways they never dreamed.

  • My regular family - Well - there is nothing regular about my family. I have great brothers and a wonderful sister. I can't imagine life without them. My Mom is by far the bestest, greatest most wonderfulest Mother of all and I'll never ever back down from that assumption. (I know, your Mom is great, but I'm telling you - my Mom is the lady!) I have been blessed with the greatest Step Parents on the face of the earth, even though we tease my step mom and call her our step monster :-) I have a great group of nieces and nephews and I love each and everyone of them. I have wonderful cousins and love all of my aunts and uncles dearly - all of them.

Now for a few of the less obvious things I'm thankful for!

  • Puffy shaped clouds - I saw the biggest group of clouds together yesterday. I tried to get a picture of them but couldn't. Looked like a snow capped mountain. I love to find shapes in clouds.

  • Reese cups - Who doesn't love reeses - really. If you don't, why? I'm sorry - really - tell me why. I know some who don't like chocolate (the horror) and some who don't like peanutbutter - but really? Reese's? LOVE them.

  • Coffee - why this isn't at the top of these, I don't know. I love coffee. I must admit that I'm going to have to start doing at least half caf until I can get my sugar cravings under control. (ugghh) but my favorite treat (cause I can't afford it daily) is a Cinnamon Dolce Latte steamed extra hot! NOTHING like it. I love it.

  • Being born in this day and age - I can't imagine sending my children somewhere at age 16 driving without me and "wondering" if they made it. I love being connected. I love know when my kids arrive to school and home each day. I don't see how my mom did it. As you'll see - I totally addicted to modern technology!

  • Texting and emailing - I'm so thankful I can harass my sister through texting. I enjoy the fact that I can email my friends that live in Korea or the Philippines. I love emailing Bonnie in Russia and being able to keep up with her family.

  • Facebook - I'm so thankful I can keep up with friends that live near and far. I love seeing Toni's girls on facebook and checking every ones "status". It's a quick peek into their life and it's wonderful. I love keeping up with the Holtsclaw family in Pennsylvania as well as my sister who lives down the road. Modern technology is the greatest thing.

  • Twitter - I LOVE twitter. I have met so many wonderful people on there. Really inspiring, funny and full of information. I've learned a lot and found a lot of new blogs to keep up with. The Internet is full of great learning tools and so many generous people that will help you along the way!
  • My Blackberry - I'm so thankful that I can be connected. I can have my emails, my facebook status, my replies from twitter anytime I'd like. It is so nice to be blessed with these resources. I don't take it lightly - as many people would love to be able to afford a blackberry or iphone.

This is my list for this Thursday full of Thankfulness. Oh - I'm glad I got to leave work a little early to see my son participate in his track meet.

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.--Brian Tracy"


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