Friday, August 13, 2010

Thank You

for delighting in my delight
for noticing when I need to be noticed
for paying attention to what makes me happy
and knowing no gesture is too small
for loving me as always
and the humor that makes me giggle - sometimes 3 days later
for the hugs everyday, so little to most but so HUGE in my eyes
for calling when you can
for helping me get through the day
for always knowing...always!
for honestly communicating with me
and allowing me to see you through
for the sparkle in my eye when I see your eyes sparkle
for the words that inspire me to give more
for listening when I need to empty my heart and soul of hurt
for the guidance when I feel lost
thank you for all the treasures that you give to my heart
for the smile that lights my face each day
for the unexpected kindness you flood me with
for accepting me just as I am
and encouraging the little girl in me to run free
for your amazing smile that chases away gloom....

Thank You!


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