Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Son, Always Remember

As my son, Todd, starts his third year of Bible College I want him to remember a few things. I know he’ll have a lot of questions, hard times, joyful times and everything in between. I jotted these down on the back of a card’s envelope as I was eating dinner one evening beside Lake Hamilton in Arkansas.

I’m proud of you Todd. I love you dearly.

Son, here are a few things you should remember:

  1. You were built to serve the Lord SUCCESSFULLY
  2. The better your relationship with God, the better all others will be
  3. Protect it! (The relationship) Hear warnings that might threaten your relationship with God.
  4. Ask yourself “What am I built to do?” Categorize it and then look for God to lead
  5. Don’t just look for the writing on the wall, listen for the whisper
  6. Know storms will be coming…..remember you’ll be accompanied by the Master of the Wind
  7. Now that you are ready to fully surrender, satan will say “why” or “you can’t.” IGNORE him! He is a LIAR.
  8. Don’t forget where you’ve been! It has and will prepare you for where you are going and who you’ll help
  9. Look through the eyes of compassion as you make your way through the day
  10. No matter what….I LOVE Y O U!

US in the middle of a CRAZY day of "little things" that went wrong

What would you add here?

What words of wisdom would you give my 20 year old…or any 20 year old?

Do you remember these things as you make your way through the day?


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