Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Taking Hope and JOY Back to School

 Always do a little more than the BasicsI love that there are people out there who will do a little more, sacrifice for others and truly love making a difference.

We were able to provide some basic school supplies for these kids, but even greater than that - we were able to give them some of what they LOVE!

Reese's Cups, Gummies & Snack Crackers!

So simple - yet so amazing!

Going back to school is usually filled with so many emotions for children as well as parents.  Thanks to YOU, being the hero that you are, there are 250 kids going back to school that will not have to face ridicule, teasing and laughter because they were using left over or hand-me-down school supplies.

Many parents are breathing a sigh of relief because they can purchase a few more articles of clothing or other things the school deems necessary because YOU, being the hero that you are, gave their children the basic but necessary items to waltz back to school with a little pride and joy in their step.

Take a look at what YOU provided this year:
  • 250 Brand NEW backpacks were given out
  • 220 of them were filled with the following item:
    • 1 pack of notebook filler paper
    • 1 package of pens
    • 1 package of pencils
    • 1 box of crayons
    • 1 box of colored pencils
    • 3 spiral notebooks
    • Glue
    • Package of snack crackers
    • Package of gummy snacks
    • Package of Reese’s Cups
    • Many of them had composition notebooks in them
    • Many of them had highlighters
    • Some of them had pocket folders
Even though we didn’t have enough “items” to completely fill all 250 backpacks, we still gave away each and everything we collected!  Some of the backpacks were only lacking the paper.

LOVE spreading joy by providing Backpacks for kids!

It was an amazing event and thanks to YOU – being the hero that you are, you also provided the following:
  • LOVE – their backpacks were just oozing with great love! Children are smarter than we give them credit for and they KNOW that someone loved them enough to help provide this for them! Yes – YOU Gave LOVE!
  • HOPE – Sometimes when “thing” after “thing” goes wrong, all hope seems to be lost.  YOU helped to restore hope in their hearts and minds.
  • JOY – While many kids dread going back to school just because summer is over, there is NOTHING like the smell of a new box of crayons, or the brand new pencil that was just sharpened or putting your name in the front of that notebook.  Not to mention the goodies that we were able to provide, all because YOU CARED, that brought JOY! Kids love crackers, gummies and Reese’s Cups so this was great joy all by itself!
  • KINDNESS – Spreading JOY is contagious and I believe that when a classmate has lost their pencil, that because these kids received an entire pack, they WILL SHARE!
  • POWER – Your gift empowered these children to face their dreams head on and take the next step towards doing amazing things!
  • PEACE – The peace from knowing they at least have much of the basics is such a priceless gift!  Yeah, YOU did this!
spreading joy with some school supplies

Your gifts, voice, love and prayers will fill this new School Year full of these things and so many more things!
Thank you for having a heart for others!
Thank you for spreading JOY to these kids!
Thank you for your monthly gifts that enable us to keep spreading JOY!

it's the little things that are so JOYful!

Thank you…..

YOU are a hero!


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