Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 Day Challenge Jan 2011

I love spreading joy to others, but more than that, I love how easy it is to get into the habit of spreading joy. A new year is upon us and it is my goal to help you see just how easy it is to get into the habit of spreading JOY.

The 30 Day Challenge - ONE thing a day for someone else, on purpose. That’s all it takes. It can be for family, friends or random people. Your mind will be looking, thinking and preparing for ways of spreading joy in no time. By the end of the month you’ll have gotten yourself into the habit of spreading joy and it will be a natural thing for you to do as you meander through your day.

Here is the challenge.

Will you publicly join me in developing this habit of spreading joy? If so, please let me know. I’d like to add your name here to a list – so that I won’t forget who is joining me, but so that I can encourage you too. If you are on twitter, please include your twitter name, cause I’m old and forgetful like that!

Together we can journal our daily acts of joy. I will write in my journal each day about what was done and then every 3 days or so, come back here and update things in the comment section. I would encourage you to do so as well. This will encourage everyone that is participating.

I’ve done this challenge publicly before and here is a link to how it turned out.

I would love to hear how this challenge affected your daily outlook, if you had any troubles and just over all, how it made your heart feel, to think, plan and then execute this challenge.

Ideas to get you going:

  • Give away reesecups and Little Debbie Cakes randomly
  • Have a NO chore day for family
  • Leave the closer parking space for someone else
  • Purchase a book of stamps and mail to Spreading Joy
  • Recycle, recycle, recycle
  • Have a “Eat dessert first” night with your family.
  • Make a financial donation to Spreading Joy, see if your company matches charitable giving – 2 acts in one
  • Meet someone for coffee and purchase it for them. Enjoy the chat.
  • Sign up for this challenge and invite others to do so as well!

There are some ideas to get you going. If you need more, don’t forget that there are a total of 100 ways of making a difference WITHOUT spending one single penny listed here and here on this web site.

Are you ready to take the challenge? Are you ready to develop the habit of spreading joy?

Those taking the 30 day challenge:




IF we all do just 1 act of JOY a day – so far we are up to 93 #actsofJOY for the month!! wow. I’m so excited to be making a difference this way!!

Thanks for JOYning me!!

{{{HUGS}}} yall


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