Friday, July 23, 2010
Love Hurts
A friend of mine reminded me of something today that I know and unfortunately – I know it all to well. Love hurts! It truly does.
No matter who it is that you love, you run the risk of hurting because of that love. Sometimes it’s done intentionally, other times it’s by accident and sometimes there is absolutely nothing that can be done at all. We've all spent countless hours with tears falling because someone we love has hurt us, or someone that we love is hurting.
When you give your heart away you run the risk of having to pick it back up, one piece at a time because someone has torn it into a million pieces. You don't know if your heart will be treasured as much as you desire. But still, you take the risk and give it away.
Love hurts when parents don’t care or value their children as much as they should. Love hurts when we’ve taught our children to do their best, make wise choices and they still decide to do what will completely destroy their life. Love hurts when you are sitting in the hospital room and the doctor tells you to do what you want to do because you’ve only got six months to live. Love hurts when that person looks at you after hearing they only have a short time to live and says….”what do you think?” At that moment LOVE is killing you and ripping your heart to pieces and all you can mutter is, “I love you and I’m going to miss you deeply.”
Love hurts when you watch your loved one slowly forget what they’ve known all along as well as how to do simple day to day things. Love hurts every single time you leave them at the nursing home because they can no longer take care of themselves nor do they remember who you are.
Love hurts when you do your very best but you hear that your best isn’t good enough. Love hurts when you no longer fit in because aren’t as nice looking as the rest of the group.
Love hurts when you are holding a limp body that is convulsing with pain because it has been through so much and your only desire is for the pain to be placed on you, but you know differently. You can’t help them; all you can do is hold them and weep because love hurts so much.
Love hurts when you get a phone call that says “there was an accident” or “they had a heart attack” and you think back to the last words that you said. Love hurts as you are numb with grief and try to remember if you told them just how much you loved them.
Love hurts when you’ve tried and tried but fail. You look upon your friends and wonder when will it be your turn. You love them, but love hurts. Love hurts when your best friend is on the phone, crying and the words won’t come. You have no comfort to offer her, so you listen in silence and cry with her, wishing your heart would speak to you so you could help her.
Love hurts when you realize that “I’ll always love you” doesn’t mean forever anymore and love hurts when “I’ll never forget” ends way too soon.
Yes, my beautiful friend. Love DOES hurt. But Love also does many other things.
Love comforts the heart that has been torn into a million pieces because the heart is an amazing thing and love is so very powerful. It is the comfort of sending an emergency text requesting prayer and having that text replied to at 2:30 in the morning saying that others are praying as well.
Love brings peace on the other end of the phone that simply says, “I’m sorry and I love you. I can not let you hang up until we laugh!” and then simply talking until the natural effect of love takes place and the laughter simply oozes out.
Love gives delight and puts a gleam in the parent’s eyes for a visit from a “complete stranger” at the nursing home. They don’t have the memories anymore, but the time spent right now fills their heart with delight! Love is coming home to a parent that says welcome home, your room is waiting and even though you don’t deserve one single solitary nice thing from your parent, the forgiveness is greater than all that awaits you, because you know you don’t deserve that love or forgiveness anymore.
Love assures the child and reminds him or her that he doesn’t have to pretend or be fake because their parents love them, just the way they are. Regardless of weight, looks, IQ, status in school or the kind of career they end up in. Love is real and unconditional. Love is stomping through mud puddles while holding someone’s hand and laughing because this opportunity doesn’t happen often.
Love is an opportunity to say I will miss you when these few short months are gone, but you have made my world far better than I could have made it without you. Love is an opportunity to share and laugh at the little things that make life big. We can’t always count on being wildly successful or the greatest, but we can make the most of each opportunity brought our way, no matter how small.
Love restores hope when all hope has been lost. It lifts the head of the discouraged, it lights a fire in the eyes of the depressed. Love motivates, encourages and inspires others to love and usually in a greater fashion. Love shows the beauty of disfigurement, the tenderness of the aged, the passion of the brave and the power of the fearful. Love thunders its power through the pain and sickness of cancer and the many diseases that grip our hearts with uncertainty. Love whispers reassurance that no matter what, I’m right here with you.
Love divides the pain and doubles the JOY. Love is patient, kind, enormous, caring, abundant, boundless, dependent as well as helpful, responsible, peaceful, thoughtful, calming and serious.
Love will allow a mom to step between her child and danger without consideration of the outcome. Love will wake a friend in the middle of the night without worry of what might be said later. Love brings music to the heart during the worst trial and allows you to sing even though tears may be falling.
Love is the mile wide smiles that are painted on faces because of the sparkle in the eyes of another. Love is the hug that doesn’t let go right off the bat because the moment, the instant the hug is given the heart is flooded with spectacular joy from such a simple, yet wonderful gift. Love is the joy that fills the soul when good nights or even good byes are exchanged. Love is the tears that are shed because you wonder how in the world you ever made it through the day without their love to begin with.
Yes, it is true. Love does hurt and the risk is great. But with all the wonderful things love does, I say go for it! Love and love deeply! Love is worth the risk as the returns are so much greater than the pain.
Will you risk love?
Is it worth the risk?
{{HUGS}} yall
Friday, July 16, 2010
Session 7 - The Bible in 90 Days
Reading Schedule for the Week:
- Day 43 Psalm 89:14 - Psalm 108:13
- Day 44 Psalm 109:1 - Psalm 134:3
- Day 45 Psalm 135:1 - Proverbs 6:35
- Day 46 Proverbs 7:1 - Proverbs 20:21
- Day 47 Proverbs 20:22 - Ecclesiastes 2:26
- Day 48 Ecclesiastes - 3:1 - Song of Soloman 8:14
- Day 49 Isaiah 1:1 - Isaiah 12:22
Books You'll Encounter This Week:
Proverbs: This is a book of pithy sayings that highlight general principles about how to live wisely.
Ecclesiastes: This book is written by a wise "teacher" and contains a discourse on the meaninglessness of life, even for those who live lives of privilege. With this blead stage set, the teacher concludes the book by pointing to teh only true souce of meaning and hope.
Song of Solomon: Where Ecclesiastes contains some depressing thoughts, Song of Solomon is an iptimistic celebration fo love. Various interpretations see it as a love poem between lovers, a representation of Christ's love for the Church, or an illustration of God's love for his people.
Isaiah: Prophesying during the reigns of the later kings of Judah, Isaiah warns friends and foes alike. He foretells the coming of Christ, praises the Lord's faithfulness and offers comfort to God's people.
Looking forward to Jesus: foretelling Christ's Birth Isaiah 7:14 & Foretelling Christ as Savior Isaiah 54:4-6
Think about it:
1. As you read Job, a book in which Job's friends comfort him by advising him on the reasons for his distress, did you agree with any of the arguments made by his friends?
2. Have you ever felt a bit like Job? When in distress where have you gone for solutions? Friends, family, prayer, gym, self-help book, bar? All of these? Now that you are reading through the bible and have done so for several weeks, will the places you search for solutions change?
3. Did you notice that God is never mentioned in the book of Esther? Even so, there are examples of His work throughout. Can you list some?
4. Job is often associated with suffering and patience. Can you build a case supporting the contention that this book is about faith?
5. What is your favorite Psalm? What is significant about it for you?
6. Did the reading this week impact your thoughts on a current event or personal experience you are currently going through.
Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.
This Weeks Study Guide. There is good stuff here, don't pass this by!
Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)
Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.
If you are seeing this for the first time, we started on June 1st, but you can start right now, just go to Session 1 and begin. Here is the main information page as well.
Session 6 - The Bible in 90 Days
I am loving the reading as well as listening to the Bible during this journey. At this point I'm thinking that it may be the Bible in 97 days, but really - is that a bad thing? It is a tough thing to do, but I'm finding it very rewarding to put in the time and effort.
I love the fact that new things are jumping out at me, that reminders are tugging at my heart and make me smile when I think to myself "oh....yeah, I knew that."
If you ARE keeping up, then you'll realize that I'm behind with the sessions as well. Not even going to make excuses here, just going to give you the information you need and SMILE real big and move on.
Reading Schedule:
- Day 36 Nehemiah 13:15 - Job 7:21
- Day 37 Job 8:1 - Job 24:25
- Day 38 Job 25:1 - Job 41:34
- Day 39 Job 42:1 - Psalm 24:10
- Day 40 Psalm 25:1 - Psalm 45:14
- Day 41 Psalm 45:15 - Psalm 69:21
- Day 42 Psalm 69:22 - Psalm 89:13
1. Based on your reading so far, what are three or 4 ways God intends for us to benefit from the Scriptures?
God Reveals Himself to us ~ God instructs us regarding how to live ~ God demonstrates His love for us ~ God gave the Bible so we could have ready references to answer many of our questions.
2. What questions did your reading generate this week?
3. Imagine what the temple might have looked like. What would have been the most striking to you.
4. In his life and writings, Ezra adamantly encouraged people to follow the Law. Who could you encourage this week to read the Bible?
5. List and describe some of Nehemiah's leadership qualities. Would they be relevant for today's leaders? Did you learn anything that would help you as you lead others?
6. What is your favorite Psalm? Why? Do you have more than 1 that you turn to time and time again?
Books you'll encounter this week:
Esther - Describing events several decades prior to those described in Nehemiah, the events in Esther may have enabled those in Nehemiah. (This is my favorite book. Classic rags to riches - Cinderella story, as well as amazing woman risking her own life to save her country.)
Job- Scholars believe that Job was a contemporary of the patriarchs. In this philosophical idscourse, God allows Satan to test Job, then clears up some misconceptions of Job and his friends.
Psalms - One of the best-loved books of the Bible, Psalms is a collection of 150 hymns and poems, authored over a period of hundreds of years.
Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.
This Weeks Study Guide. There is good stuff here, don't pass this by!
Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)
Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.
If you are seeing this for the first time, we started on June 1st, but you can start right now, just go to Session 1 and begin. Here is the main information page as well.
Session 5 - The Bible in 90 Days
We've come a long way through our Bible! I've enjoyed getting to know old characters again, being reminded that even though many failed and failed BIG that they were still mightly used by the Lord because they were willing to be used. I've enjoyed hearing many, many times - do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. I hope that you are enjoying the journey so far as well!
This Weeks Schedule:
- Day 29 1 Chronicles 1:1 - 1 Chronicles 9:44
- Day 30 1 Chronicles 10:1 - 1 Chronicles 23:32
- Day 31 1 Chronicles 24:1 - 2 Chronicles 7:10
- Day 32 2 Chronicles 7:11 - 2 Chronicles 23:15
- Day 33 2 Chronicles 23:16 - 2 Chronicles 35:15
- Day 34 2 Chronicles 35:16 - Ezra 10:44
- Day 35 Nehemiah 1:1 - Nehemiah 13:14
Books we'll encounter this week:
1 Chronicles Overview: Covers much of the same ground as 2 Samuel. This book was written after Judah returns from exile and is intended as an encouragement to the returnees. Its emphasis in on the more positive events/aspects of the reigns covered.
2 Chronicles Overview: Covers much of the same ground as 1 & 2 Kings. Like Chronicles, it was written after Judah returns from exile and is intended to encourage.
Ezra Overview: When Cyrus became king of Persia, the Lord led him to free teh exiles to return to Jerusalem. Ezra, a teacher "well versed in the Law of Moses" arrives several decades later to discover that many from Judah have been intermarrying with the neighboring peoples.
Nehemiah Overview: Whereas Ezra is a teacher and scribe, Nehemiah is a leader. The book of Nehemiah celebrates the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls against significant odds. The behavior of the residents when Nehemiah is in residence and when he is not harkens back to the era of the Judges.
1. How does the Lord use the prophet Nathan in 2 Samuel 12?
2. Does David immediately realize the significance of Nathan's story about the rich man?
3. What does David's response in 2 Samuel 12:13 say about his relationship with God?
4. What were the consequences of David's sin?
5. Has there been an "aha" triggered by your reading this week that you have been able to immediately apply to your life?
Do you know that we are going to be halfway through the Old Testament? *Clapping* GOOD for YOU!! If you have fallen behind, don't give up!! Keep reading. Keep at it! You'll be glad you did!
Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.
This Weeks Study Guide. There is good stuff here, don't pass this by!
Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)
Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.
If you are seeing this for the first time, we started on June 1st, but you can start right now, just go to Session 1 and begin. Here is the main information page as well.
Session 4 - The Bible in 90 Days
As we near completing our first month of Bible reading, I'm excited that this goal is actually possible. I'm still a little behind, but working diligently to catch up. I hope that you are still on track and are enjoying your journey. If you are behind, still work on it. Think about bad its it to have read through your bible in 100 days? hmmm?
You can do this. I have faith in you.
Bible Reading Schedule for this week:
- Day 22 1 Samuel 28:20 - 2 Samuel 12:10
- Day 23 2 Samuel 12:11 - 2 Samuel 22:18
- Day 24 2 Samuel 22:19 - 1 Kings 7:37
- Day 25 1 Kings 7:38 - 1 Kings 16:20
- Day 26 1 Kings 16:21 - 2 Kings 4:37
- Day 27 2 Kings 4:38 - 2 Kings 15:26
- Day 28 2 Kings 15:27 - 2 Kings 25:30
In the early 1990's H. Jackson Brown wrote Life's Little Instruction Book. His son was going to college and he watned to share some gems of wisdom that he had gleaned over the years. He collected 511 gems of wisdom that were to guide his son's life. For instance - learn to make great chili, never buy a house without a fireplace, overtip breakfast waitresses, be brave - even if you're not, pretend to be - no one can tell the difference etc etc.
His son responded enthusiastically and the document made its way to a publisher and became a best seller. It's hard to know whether anyone was transformed by this - but the Bible...that's a different story. Billions of people have been changed by its message of hope and salvation.
Books you'll Encounter This Week:
1 Kings - The book opens with the region of Solomon, a time when Israel enjoys a great deal of influence, wealth and worldwide recognition. Yet, even as the world's wisest man, Solomon is corrupted by worldly matters and the faiths of his wives and concubines. At his death the kingdom becomes divided.
2 Kings - Continues the account of the kings and the divided kingdom through the fall of Jerusalem
Reading Tips:
Many new people and names are introduced that can be hard to distinguish from one another. Some events are described more than one and the kings of Israel and Judah are handled in rapid-fire succession. To minimize confusion, slow down, read attentively. Notice the patterns of behavior by the various kings.
1. Why do you think there is such a disconnect between modern Christians and the Bible?
2. How is your perception of the Bible changing as you read each day?
3. What questions evolved from your readings this week?
4. Our reading shows us many instances when Israel only partially follows God's commands. What are some examples and the results?
5. Based on our reading to date, talk about what God tends to do whan a society turns to him for help.
6. List the tragedies and unfortunate events that befall Naomi and Ruth in the Book of Ruth. Does any good come from all of this?
7. What are some examples of tragedy or hardship from which good has emerged?
8. Do you have any "life instructions" you'd like to share?
Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.
This Weeks Study Guide. There is good stuff here, don't pass this by!
Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)
Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.
If you are seeing this for the first time, we started on June 1st, but you can start right now, just go to Session 1 and begin. Here is the main information page as well.
Session 3 - The Bible in 90 Days
Starting Week 3 of our Journey through the Bible. I have to confess, this is quite the challenge. Of course everything has gotten busier to the Nth degree and reading 12 pages a day is difficult. I have been reading everyday, but I must confess....I am behind. I will be caught up by the end of this session.
How are YOU doing? Are you ahead? Are you behind? What are your thoughts so far?
Reading Schedule for this week:
- Day 15 - Deuteronomy 23:12 - Deut 34:12
- Day 16 - Joshua 1:1 - Joshua 14:15
- Day 17 - Joshua 15:1 - Judges 3:27
- Day 18 - Judges 3:28 - Judges 15:12
- Day 19 - Judges 15:13 - I Samuel 2:29
- Day 20 - I Samuel - 2:30 - I Samuel 15:35
- Day 21 - I Samuel 16:1 - I Samuel 28:19
This Week's Reading Tips:
Pay attention to the following people in your reading this week. How do these people interact with God? How faithful are they to God's will?
- Joshua: Joshua, Rahab
- Judges: Deborah, Gideon, Samson
- Ruth: Ruth, Naomi, Boaz
- 1 Samuel: Samuel, Saul, David
Books You'll Encourter This Week:
Joshua Overview: Moses' former assistant becomes leader of the nation of Israel. The book celebrates the many victories that God brings to the Israelites under Joshua's leadership. At the same time, the failure of the people to follow completely God's plans plants the seeds for future failure. KEY TEACHINGS: God kept his promise, giving the land he had promised to Abraham many centuries earlier. God is the one who brings victory; there is no foe that can withstand him. God expects obedience.
Judges Overview: this book clearly delineates the impact of leaders who follow God from those who do not. Some of the favorite Biblical personalities from children's Sunday School are found here - Deborah, Gideon and Samson. Key Teachings: God is patient, just and merciful. God is able to accomplish his plan even through flawed individuals. God held the Israelites accountable to his expectations of them.
Ruth Overview: Ruth's story of faithfulness is remarkable in its own right, made more so considering she was from Moab, a nation considerd an enemy of Israel. Ruth and Boaz are ancestors of Christ. Key Teachings: God remained faithful to his people even when the times were characterized by unfaithfulness. God provides for those who are faithful.
1 Samuel Overview: Samuel is not only a priest, prophet and judge, but a kingmaker. At God's behest, Samuel anoints Saul the first king of Israel after the people call for a king. God later directs Samuel to anoint Saul's successor, David, which sets up a series of conflicts between Saul and David. Key Teachings: God provided a king for his people. God Reigns! God's power and sovereignty are demonstrated through his king. God will punish even his chosen ones when they disobey.
Think about it:
"A young man asked God how long a million years was to him. God replied, it's like a single second in your time. Then the young man asked God what a million dollars was to him. God replied, it's like a single penny to you. Then the young man asked God, Could I have one of your pennies? God smile and replied, sure...give me one second."
God perceives time differently than we do. God gives us the same amount of time and the question isn't if we have the time to read 12 pages a day, it is if we choose to. How are we choosing to use our time?
Questions for discussion:
1. Are you reading the Bible instead of other things in your life or in addition to?
2. If you are still struggling with your reading, what activites can you eliminate? Where can you squeeze in more reading?
3. What advice would you give to others who are just beginning this journey or are struggling to keep up.
Digging In:
4. Refer to Leviticus and list the 5 main sacrifices
5. God lays out the elements and purposes of these offerings with some specificity. Is there too much detail here? What does this suggest about God's involvement with his people's lives?
6. What happens to Aaron's sons in Leviticus 10: 1-2? What does this tell us about how God expectus us to interact with Him?
Applying it:
7. In Numbers we find God's people wandering in the wilderness for several decades after failing to believe God would lead them to victory. Have you ever experienced a similar delay due to fear or similar lack of belief? How can we apply this to our lives today?
Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.
This Weeks Study Guide. There is good stuff here, don't pass this by!
Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)
Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.
If you are seeing this for the first time, we started on June 1st, but you can start right now, just go to Session 1 and begin. Here is the main information page as well.
Session 2 - The Bible in 90 Days
Wow, what an exciting week we've had so far! I'm glad that you are along with me on this journey! Here is the main landing page for our study The Bible in 90 Days. It has all of the links of the various resources and will have each week linked to it at the bottom.
Here is a Free Study Guide for week 2. This has some great information. I hope you'll grab it. Here are a few thoughts taken from the study guide for this weeks reading:
Have you ever experienced a wilderness, a time of wandering and dryness in the desert, where you felt deserted by God?
- A financial circumstance that is burying you
- Waiting for an adoption to be finalized
- Lacking clarity after graduation
- Attempting to sell a house that has been on the market way too long
- An illness that won't go away
- A family member who is rebelling
- A dream that is turning to disappointment
Survival Skills for the wilderness - 1. Don't Whine Numbers 11:4-6 (speaking directly to me!!) 2. Get Help - Numbers 11:10-15 3. Grow Strong Numbers 11:16-18
These things and more are discussed in the free weekly study guide. Enjoy!
Reading Schedule for this week:
- Day 8 - Lev 1:1 through Lev 14:32
- Day 9 - Lev 14:33 through Lev 26:26
- Day 10 - Lev 26:27 through Numbers 8:14
- Day 11 - Numbers 8:15 through Numbers 21:7
- Day 12 - Numbers 21:8 through Numbers 32:19
- Day 13 - Numbers 32:20 through Deut 7:26
- Day 14 - Deut 8:1 through Deut 23:11
Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.
Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)
Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.
Think about it:
Unless you've adopted, you don't get a choice about the children you have. One difference between God and us is that He does know who his children will be. Yet He creates us and gives us a free will, despite that knowledge. A question we might ponder while reading the Bible from cover to cover is, "knowing what HE knows, why would God create each one of us? Why did God create me?"
Reading Tips:
- Remember what our goal is: "To read, attentively, every word of the Bible in 90 days."
- As you encounter repetition in the Bible, consider it an opportunity to more firmly plant important writings in your mind.
- Do not obsess with capturing everything you are reading. Absorb what you can, God will bring it back as you need it.
- If you've gotten behind in your reading, don't give up! Catch up by reading a little more each day or take Sunday and catch up.
Leviticus Overview:
This book of rules gives direction to the Levitical priests in the rituals necessary to maintain holiness for the children of Israel. While modern readers may marvel at the seeming harshness of some directives, it also includes God's earliest command to "love your neighbor as yourself." (and we are always kind to ourself aren't we?)
Numbers Overview:
At the beginning of this book, the Israelites number 603,550 at the end they number 601,730. What occurs in between is a lessonin the pitfalls of failing to submit to God and his plan.
Deuteronomy Overview:
With the Israelites finally approaching entry to the promised land, many elements of the previous four books are revisited here, including the Ten Commandments. Moses gets to view the promised land from Mount Nebo but dies before his people enter it.
Some discussion questions:
1. What did you modify (if anything) this week to make sure that you did your Bible reading? .
2. When/how did you read? Did you do it all at once, break it up? Read in the mornings, evenings?
3. Ok...honesty time - you ready for this? Did you complete all of your reading? hmmm?? If yes, was it easy for you? If no, what can you do to try and get back with it? Please don't give up. We are in this together.
4. What are your suggestions to help others that may have found the first week difficult?
5. So many emotions in last weeks reading. Did you relate at all? Have you been angry with God? How do you handle it? Is the God you read about in Genesis and exodus the God that you "know".
6. Adam and Eve blew it. Cain blew it. What can we learn from it, because it's just a matter of time before we blow it.
7. Can you recall the 10 Commandments? You don't have to list them here, but just for the fun of it...try. Don't be afraid, because there is NO way your memory is worse than mine!
Please feel free to list any "aha" moments, any verses that spoke to you. I hope that you'll listen to the audio notes as far as the discussion goes. Speak yer peace....what say ye? hmmm? *grinning*
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Single Step

That first step can often be scary, confusing and downright difficult. When we are facing a new direction, a new journey of yet another thousand miles, sometimes it is so easy to over look the positive because we are afraid or focused on the unknown. Instead of checking out the scenery along the way of our journey, we are focused on the "what ifs". We need to eliminate the "what if" game from our life and enjoy our journey, enjoy the beauty that is surrounding us and know that even with challenges that lay ahead, joy is swirling all around us, waiting to be noticed and appreciated.
As my life takes a new direction, I'm not fearful, I'm not worried - I'm excited! The last 4 years of my journey has been such a hodge podge of emotions, challenges and events. When I embarked on that journey in April of 2006, I was fearful. It was the most difficult challenge I had ever faced and I literally stood, looking at my virtual mountain and thought "ok, swallow me up, get it over with....I'll never be able to do this, NOT in a million years." The only thing that was consistent was change and I had never been presented with so much to learn all at once. I was afraid of an epic fail.
Not only was there NOT an Epic Fail - but it was the best four years ever. Challenges presented themselves. People came into my life, securing a permanent place in my heart, new things were learned, old ideas were tossed out the door. New friendships were made, faith was increased.
My new direction is in employment. At my last assignment, there was lots of smiling, singing, problems and mercy - the food and gatherings were always such fun! There were projects that seem to never end and then the easy ones that made you feel as though you accomplished something right away. There was the infamous 3 day work week *ahem* and the immediate "NO" (with a big smile) as certain people came through the door looking for stuff. There were those that brightened the day with their laughter, smiles and hugs, as well as the 2 that made my path smell wonderful as I journeyed down the halls. There was the direct leadership, that was always appreciative, realistic and supportive and made the day enjoyable, regardless of the challenges and ocean of paperwork that continued to grow.
Has your direction changed recently? Are you standing at the bottom of the biggest mountain you've ever faced and are thinking, go ahead...swallow me up? Are you moving towards the unknown?
What are you doing to appreciate the journey? Are you noticing the little things that make life Big while you fight your way down this road? I hope so, because the JOY is there, swirling all about you - begging for you to notice and appreciate it.
Go ahead! Take that first step....your next thousand miles awaits you!
{{{HUGS}}} Yall