Friday, July 16, 2010

Session 2 - The Bible in 90 Days

Wow, what an exciting week we've had so far! I'm glad that you are along with me on this journey! Here is the main landing page for our study The Bible in 90 Days. It has all of the links of the various resources and will have each week linked to it at the bottom.

Here is a Free Study Guide for week 2. This has some great information. I hope you'll grab it. Here are a few thoughts taken from the study guide for this weeks reading:

Have you ever experienced a wilderness, a time of wandering and dryness in the desert, where you felt deserted by God?

  • A financial circumstance that is burying you
  • Waiting for an adoption to be finalized
  • Lacking clarity after graduation
  • Attempting to sell a house that has been on the market way too long
  • An illness that won't go away
  • A family member who is rebelling
  • A dream that is turning to disappointment

Survival Skills for the wilderness - 1. Don't Whine Numbers 11:4-6 (speaking directly to me!!) 2. Get Help - Numbers 11:10-15 3. Grow Strong Numbers 11:16-18

These things and more are discussed in the free weekly study guide. Enjoy!

Reading Schedule for this week:

  • Day 8 - Lev 1:1 through Lev 14:32
  • Day 9 - Lev 14:33 through Lev 26:26
  • Day 10 - Lev 26:27 through Numbers 8:14
  • Day 11 - Numbers 8:15 through Numbers 21:7
  • Day 12 - Numbers 21:8 through Numbers 32:19
  • Day 13 - Numbers 32:20 through Deut 7:26
  • Day 14 - Deut 8:1 through Deut 23:11

Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.

Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)

Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.

Think about it:

Unless you've adopted, you don't get a choice about the children you have. One difference between God and us is that He does know who his children will be. Yet He creates us and gives us a free will, despite that knowledge. A question we might ponder while reading the Bible from cover to cover is, "knowing what HE knows, why would God create each one of us? Why did God create me?"

Reading Tips:

  • Remember what our goal is: "To read, attentively, every word of the Bible in 90 days."
  • As you encounter repetition in the Bible, consider it an opportunity to more firmly plant important writings in your mind.
  • Do not obsess with capturing everything you are reading. Absorb what you can, God will bring it back as you need it.
  • If you've gotten behind in your reading, don't give up! Catch up by reading a little more each day or take Sunday and catch up.

Leviticus Overview:

This book of rules gives direction to the Levitical priests in the rituals necessary to maintain holiness for the children of Israel. While modern readers may marvel at the seeming harshness of some directives, it also includes God's earliest command to "love your neighbor as yourself." (and we are always kind to ourself aren't we?)

Numbers Overview:

At the beginning of this book, the Israelites number 603,550 at the end they number 601,730. What occurs in between is a lessonin the pitfalls of failing to submit to God and his plan.

Deuteronomy Overview:

With the Israelites finally approaching entry to the promised land, many elements of the previous four books are revisited here, including the Ten Commandments. Moses gets to view the promised land from Mount Nebo but dies before his people enter it.

Some discussion questions:

1. What did you modify (if anything) this week to make sure that you did your Bible reading? .

2. When/how did you read? Did you do it all at once, break it up? Read in the mornings, evenings?

3. Ok...honesty time - you ready for this? Did you complete all of your reading? hmmm?? If yes, was it easy for you? If no, what can you do to try and get back with it? Please don't give up. We are in this together.

4. What are your suggestions to help others that may have found the first week difficult?

5. So many emotions in last weeks reading. Did you relate at all? Have you been angry with God? How do you handle it? Is the God you read about in Genesis and exodus the God that you "know".

6. Adam and Eve blew it. Cain blew it. What can we learn from it, because it's just a matter of time before we blow it.

7. Can you recall the 10 Commandments? You don't have to list them here, but just for the fun of it...try. Don't be afraid, because there is NO way your memory is worse than mine!

Please feel free to list any "aha" moments, any verses that spoke to you. I hope that you'll listen to the audio notes as far as the discussion goes. Speak yer peace....what say ye? hmmm? *grinning*


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