Friday, July 16, 2010

Session 3 - The Bible in 90 Days

Starting Week 3 of our Journey through the Bible. I have to confess, this is quite the challenge. Of course everything has gotten busier to the Nth degree and reading 12 pages a day is difficult. I have been reading everyday, but I must confess....I am behind. I will be caught up by the end of this session.

How are YOU doing? Are you ahead? Are you behind? What are your thoughts so far?

Reading Schedule for this week:

  • Day 15 - Deuteronomy 23:12 - Deut 34:12
  • Day 16 - Joshua 1:1 - Joshua 14:15
  • Day 17 - Joshua 15:1 - Judges 3:27
  • Day 18 - Judges 3:28 - Judges 15:12
  • Day 19 - Judges 15:13 - I Samuel 2:29
  • Day 20 - I Samuel - 2:30 - I Samuel 15:35
  • Day 21 - I Samuel 16:1 - I Samuel 28:19

This Week's Reading Tips:

Pay attention to the following people in your reading this week. How do these people interact with God? How faithful are they to God's will?

  • Joshua: Joshua, Rahab
  • Judges: Deborah, Gideon, Samson
  • Ruth: Ruth, Naomi, Boaz
  • 1 Samuel: Samuel, Saul, David

Books You'll Encourter This Week:

Joshua Overview: Moses' former assistant becomes leader of the nation of Israel. The book celebrates the many victories that God brings to the Israelites under Joshua's leadership. At the same time, the failure of the people to follow completely God's plans plants the seeds for future failure. KEY TEACHINGS: God kept his promise, giving the land he had promised to Abraham many centuries earlier. God is the one who brings victory; there is no foe that can withstand him. God expects obedience.

Judges Overview: this book clearly delineates the impact of leaders who follow God from those who do not. Some of the favorite Biblical personalities from children's Sunday School are found here - Deborah, Gideon and Samson. Key Teachings: God is patient, just and merciful. God is able to accomplish his plan even through flawed individuals. God held the Israelites accountable to his expectations of them.

Ruth Overview: Ruth's story of faithfulness is remarkable in its own right, made more so considering she was from Moab, a nation considerd an enemy of Israel. Ruth and Boaz are ancestors of Christ. Key Teachings: God remained faithful to his people even when the times were characterized by unfaithfulness. God provides for those who are faithful.

1 Samuel Overview: Samuel is not only a priest, prophet and judge, but a kingmaker. At God's behest, Samuel anoints Saul the first king of Israel after the people call for a king. God later directs Samuel to anoint Saul's successor, David, which sets up a series of conflicts between Saul and David. Key Teachings: God provided a king for his people. God Reigns! God's power and sovereignty are demonstrated through his king. God will punish even his chosen ones when they disobey.

Think about it:

"A young man asked God how long a million years was to him. God replied, it's like a single second in your time. Then the young man asked God what a million dollars was to him. God replied, it's like a single penny to you. Then the young man asked God, Could I have one of your pennies? God smile and replied, sure...give me one second."

God perceives time differently than we do. God gives us the same amount of time and the question isn't if we have the time to read 12 pages a day, it is if we choose to. How are we choosing to use our time?

Questions for discussion:

1. Are you reading the Bible instead of other things in your life or in addition to?

2. If you are still struggling with your reading, what activites can you eliminate? Where can you squeeze in more reading?

3. What advice would you give to others who are just beginning this journey or are struggling to keep up.

Digging In:

4. Refer to Leviticus and list the 5 main sacrifices

5. God lays out the elements and purposes of these offerings with some specificity. Is there too much detail here? What does this suggest about God's involvement with his people's lives?

6. What happens to Aaron's sons in Leviticus 10: 1-2? What does this tell us about how God expectus us to interact with Him?

Applying it:

7. In Numbers we find God's people wandering in the wilderness for several decades after failing to believe God would lead them to victory. Have you ever experienced a similar delay due to fear or similar lack of belief? How can we apply this to our lives today?

Click here to Listen to the Bible as you read it.

This Weeks Study Guide. There is good stuff here, don't pass this by!

Here is the audio lesson . (You'll need to log in!)

Please listen the lessons. I have the dvd's but can't post them here...copyright rules. We can discuss what you heard here as well. Listen while you cook, clean or are just taking time to enjoy this journey. I hope you'll take advantage of this free resource. Listen towards the end of the 7 day time frame, as THIS would be what we would be watching/discussing if we were to be meeting weekly.

If you are seeing this for the first time, we started on June 1st, but you can start right now, just go to Session 1 and begin. Here is the main information page as well.


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