Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More Giving Without Spending

A few weeks ago, I did a post 50 Ways to Make a Difference Without Spending a Penny. Since then, I've found a few blogs that are encouraging others on the subject of giving and one of them is sharing ideas on ways to give without spending AND giving an idea for each day. At the end of the year, she will have shared 365 ways of giving without spending.

Her blog is A Year of Giving Without Spending. There are a lot of great ideas to get you going.

Remember, your financial status shouldn't determine if you give. If you can give abundantly - then you should give back part of what has been given to you. If the times are tough right now, you can still make a difference. You may have to be a little creative, but it can still be done! Do like I do - give what you can until you can give BIG! Never lose sight of the goal you have.

Have you taken the 30 day challenge? If not, take 30 days to develop a wonderful habit of giving. Your journey could inspire others to do the same. So many people need encouragement - will you be the encourager? Will you help inspire others? Those 2 ways of Spreading Joy doesn't cost anything either.
So, tell me - how ARE you spreading joy?


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