- amazing talent played in this tournament
Tournament Happenings
This tournament was completely amazing. I’m so honored to have been able to have sponsored it.
Here is what YOU provided to these awesome kids in Hot Springs Arkansas
Free Tournament (HUGE as many can’t afford to play for awesome prizes)
Free Basketball
Free Lunch & all the water they needed/wanted
Free Cats Care wrist band (thank you Charlotte Bob Cats)
A free opportunity for each player on each team to win the following:
1st place - $150 Gift card to Foot Locker
2nd Place - $50 gift card to Hibbitt Sports
3rd Place – A very nice basketball & water bottle
Half Court Contest – Winner receives $100 cash
Reese’s Cups for everyone that attended and extra for those that truly looooove them.
- Capture some Awesome Shots
There were 8 teams – 24 players & about 60ish people total. I was happy to see those that came out and cheered for their friends.
Kids start showing up early to practice. It was awesome to just soak up the excitement. There were many college kids there to help in any area needed. These kids amaze me with their huge hearts. They will always have a special place in my heart.
The teams start playing and one team makes it to the very end undefeated. Nothing short of amazing.
The 2nd team playing for 1st place has played several games back to back AND has fought their way back from losing early on in the tournament. We couldn’t have asked for a more intense game.
The kids are playing with all their might; the undefeated team loses their first game! It’s anybody’s game as the 2nd game between these two team starts.
I’m snapping pictures and playing with the littlest cheerleader and I look up and see it! The score is tied up – 13 to 13. They are only playing to 15. Wow! It couldn’t have been any closer! I see it… Dude shoots in the ball and no doubt, he scores! The team that had lost early on had just made the winning shot! Cheers and excitement all around.
The excitement was amazing.
- A great start to Spreading Joy Across America
The half court shot?!? UNBELIEVABLE – not a single one of us was recording this as we just figured no one would get it! but…. Khory – a 15 yr old completely blew us away and made it! It was my honor to present to him his prize (on his birthday) of $100 CASH! The gymnasium erupted with cheers and shouts! High fives were all over the place!
As if ALL of this wasn’t enough excitement and encouragement wasn’t enough…there is MORE.
Pastor Eric Capacci of Gospel Light Baptist Church and President/Founder of Champion Baptist College spoke and gave a devotional about “The next 24 hours being critical”
He discussed how quickly time flies and how we aren’t certain of tomorrow. In his challenge, he also presented a clear presentation of the Gospel of Christ and 6 teen boys accepted Christ as their Savior.
God Wins.
- Top row is 1st Place Winners!! $150 gift card to Foot Locker EACH
All the work, all the emails asking for donations and support for this event was worth every minute of it. Spreading Joy can and often is a lot of work for me on the “organizing end” and needing donations part of things, but it is and always will be worth all the effort, hard work and long days that go with it. When we can encourage those that are discouraged and beat up by the world, they will go on to encourage others. The lasting effects may never, ever be realized.
We never want to be a Non Profit that is set on “making money and living the high life.” But we will always and forever be the Non Profit that simply reminds others of the JOY of giving….even if it’s giving your time, voice or a hand. Regardless of what it is…it is HUGE and has an awesome impact on the heart of others! And always will!
We will remind others to place value on their gifts, regardless of the size or value they may think it is. We often negate the value of our voice or time spent in helping but those are priceless, as well as the financial gifts.
Remember, when you are doing what you can with what you have – when the finances increase, you’ll continue to do what you can and your financial giving will increase as well.
Thank you for making a huge impact in the life of these kids and those that came to watch & help.
- 2nd & 3rd place Winners!
We were able to give every child that was there (even those that came to “watch”) a free basketball. We purchased 100 balls, so the ones that were left over, were given out as well to local neighborhood kids! How awesome is that? Hmmm?
You guys are amazing Spreading Joy heroes!
Thank you for your HUGE heart and for your efforts in Spreading Joy! Without you, none of this would have been possible. YOU are pretty awesome!
Ohh, and the 15 yr. old that won the half-court shot? Get this: He wasn’t going to stay. Nope…they were just going to leave.
He and his friends saw the size of the older kids and thought there was NOOOO way they would win. I talked to them, told them the worst that could happen would be that they would get a free lunch, free basketball and wrist band and have a ton of fun…so stay! And they did. And then HE won the half-court shot! Simply amazing!
- Your time, voice and financial contributions did this! YOU are awesome!
YOU did an awesome thing!! Thank you for Spreading JOY with me!