Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Place of Healing

When I began listening to the audio version of A Place of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada I listened, knowing that she had an amazing ministry to disabled people. I expected this book to be directed to towards physical healing, but quickly found out that it spoke very loudly to my heart. I have no physical disabilities, but found that healing is necessary, so I listened with an open heart and mind.

Listening to this book from a view point of hurt is painful, regardless of what kind it is; will help you to begin the healing that your heart requires. You may need physical healing and this book can and will speak loudly to you.

You may require other kind of healing, such as healing of your heart that is discouraged, discontent or depressed. You may need healing due to trust issues with someone you love deeply. You may need healing from knowing God’s will for your life and fear has gripped your soul so much so that you are afraid to step out and go forward with the plans that God has in-store for you.

One of my favorite quotes from Joni is:
I pray for strength to bare my pain, grace to benefit from it and devotion to offer it up to God as a sacrifice of praise.

Again, pain – regardless of the “kind of pain” hurts. Joni reminds us that God’s power always shows up in weakness and that pain and trials can lead to a heightened thirst for Christ.

Joni didn’t sugar coat any of the painful truth about living with chronic pain, daily hurts and disappointments and the question of how can this great pain benefit anyone, much less bring glory to the Lord? This book provides an honest look at dealing with any kind of hurt that you may need healing from.

If you are battling wave after wave of pain, hurt, sorrow or just feel like your heart will never sing again, I hope you’ll get this book, listen to it from a standpoint that hurt needs healing, regardless of what kind of hurt it is, and then – let the healing begin as you listen to an honest look at coming to a Place of healing.

This book is read by Joni, which is a treat. It’s very nicely done as she is use to speaking, teaching and talking to large groups of individuals.

Thank you to christianaudio for a complimentary copy of this book via the Reviewers program. I am not required to give a positive review of this book.

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Michelle Mayur said...

I got the listen to his songs, i fell inlove with it. I mean, i love the album, so inspiring.

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